
The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State

No. 1071

Sir: With reference to my telegram No. 277, of March 29th, 12 noon,30 and to subsequent communications concerning the protection of foreigners I have the honor to enclose herewith copies of memoranda from the British, French, Italian and Japanese Legations31 showing the measures taken for the evacuation of the nationals of those countries from various parts of China.

I beg leave also to enclose a copy of a memorandum regarding the withdrawal of American citizens which I transmitted, to the missions referred to, on May 24th.

I have [etc.]

J. V. A. MacMurray

Memorandum Concerning the Withdrawal of American Citizens32

With Reference to Nationalist Territory

Prior to the Nanking incident (March 24, 1927), the American Legation has advised the withdrawal of American citizens from the Chungking [Page 303] and Changsha consular districts. After March 24, the Legation advised the withdrawal of all Americans from Nationalist territory (excepting Shanghai foreign settlements). However, the Legation sanctioned those persons in seacoast ports remaining there, if concentrated in places from which they might be readily evacuated. The Legation also approved essential men remaining at Hankow.

With Reference to Northern Territory

Generally speaking, the Legation has advised the withdrawal of all Americans from the interior to seacoast ports. In early April, the Legation expressed approval of the withdrawal from Peking of women with children and non-essential women; but this measure is no longer considered necessary. No advice to withdraw has been given with regard to Manchuria.

Compliance With Legation’s Advice

In Nationalist territory, the above advice has been very fully observed. There remain a few Americans in Chengtu, Batang, and Yachow, Szechuan. There are also a few persons remaining in Western Hunan and at some other points in the South.

In Northern territory, the advice given was followed at the time in a very satisfactory manner. There is, however, at present a slight tendency to drift back to places in the interior without reference to the advice of the American Government authorities. American missionaries in Kansu and Shensi Provinces have not yet come out, but they are all believed to be on their way.

Consulates closed: 4

  • Chungking, Changsha, Nanking, Kalgan.
  • Officers from the Chungking and Changsha Consulates are stationed temporarily at Hankow. The Consul at Nanking is remaining on board a war vessel at that port.

Ports totally evacuated:

  • Chungking, Wanhsien, Ichang, Shasi, Yochow, Changsha, Kiukiang Wuhu, Nanking, Kalgan.

Ports from which evacuation has largely taken place:

  • Chengtu, Hankow, Foochow, Hangchow, Ningpo, Foochow [sic], Tsinan, and smaller ports in Kwangtung and Kwangsi Provinces.

  1. Ante, p. 94.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Transmitted to the British, French, Italian, and Japanese Legations in China on May 24, 1927.