711.0012Anti-War/264: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Fletcher) to the Secretary of State

85. My telegram No. 84, August 17, 1 p.m.21 I have just received a personal communication from the Prime Minister the pertinent portion of which I repeat from translation as follows: [Page 153]

“In view of the numerous engagements which will keep me occupied during the coming week it will not be possible for Under Secretary Grandi, to absent himself at this moment from the Ministry. I am therefore unable to comply, as I would have wished, with the courteous and gratifying desire expressed to me by Your Excellency. I have, however, charged Count Gaetano Manzoni, Royal Ambassador at Paris, who has for this purpose been given full Royal powers, to sign the Kellogg Pact in the name of Italy. I have today formally advised the French Government of this designation.”

  1. Not printed; see telegram No. 82, Aug. 16, 10 a.m., from the Ambassador in Italy, and No. 94, Aug. 16, 10 a.m., to the Ambassador in Italy, p. 147.