724.3415/265: Telegram

The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State

30. Paraguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs has received reliable information that coincident with the withdrawal of the Bolivian delegates from the Conciliation and Arbitration Conference at Washington,64 Bolivia at the same time obtained from Chile assurances of its neutrality in the event of war, and immediately thereafter issued an order, now in actual operation, for the concentration of troops at Suarez. An ultimatum or declaration of war will be made by Bolivia [Page 689] when concentration is effected. Paraguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs feels that war is imminent unless the United States acts to prevent.

  1. The Bolivian Minister in Washington temporarily withdrew from the Conciliation Conference, but apparently was instructed on December 11 to resume his place (file No. 710.1012 Washington P43/338).