884.6461 Tsana Dam/48a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ethiopia (Southard)


13. It is requested by the J. G. White Engineering Corporation that you be informed as follows:

Release of information given under authorization of Ras Tafari in your letter to them of 26th April has been awaited by the corporation [Page 788] with strictest confidence. They are also waiting for an invitation from Ras Tafari to send representative to London to cooperate in working out agreement with British and Sudan Governments in accordance with program discussed with Martin. They ask that you submit an inquiry to Ras Taf ari in their behalf as to whether matters have progressed sufficiently to justify discussion in London by all interested parties. The present time is considered especially opportune by them for the initiation of such discussions in London.

It is understood by the White Corporation that Martin is now in England for his health. Regarding the purpose of his visit there, they would be glad to receive latest information.

Of course, you will telegraph through the Department your reply to the foregoing.
