817.00/5283: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Nicaragua (Munro)


21. Your telegram No. 33, January 18, 3 p.m. The situation has apparently developed so as to make it necessary for the Department of State to consider what measures it can and should take in the light of the definite refusal to enact the new electoral law. The Department desires immediate information on the following points:

So far as the legislative situation is concerned, what further procedure, if any, is contemplated or possible? Do you think there is any hope that the law will be eventually passed in the form desired by the Department? In American procedure the natural course is to send such a bill to conference between the Senate and House. Is such a course of action visualized in Managua?
Please telegraph at once the full text of the amendments adopted by the Chamber of Deputies.
Is there any doubt regarding the attitude of President Diaz from now on? It is extremely important that President Diaz stand firm, without resigning or in any way weakening on the Tipitapa agreement either in spirit or letter.

Eberhardt and McCoy have been instructed to proceed to Managua without delay. Minister Eberhardt is at Puerto Cabezas today and is being instructed to expedite his arrival in Nicaragua. McCoy is now at Panama, and arrangements will be made to send him to Corinto by the speediest boat the Navy can furnish.
