882.5048/174: Telegram

The Chargé in Liberia (Wharton) to the Secretary of State

75. Referring to the Department’s telegram No. 53, December 7, 1 p.m., and my 73, December 10, 6 p.m.,35 Legation informed that:

“Government [of] Liberia have no objection to offer to the nominee.”
Honorable Arthur Barclay, a former President of the Republic, “has been requested to act as the Liberian Commissioner.”
Liberia not notified of the name Commissioner to be nominated by the League; however, as soon as received Legation will be furnished with full information.

When will League nominate?36

  1. Not printed.
  2. Dr. Sigvald Meek, Norwegian jurist, was appointed by the League of Nations but resigned without going to Liberia. In his place Dr. Cuthbert Christy, British African explorer and expert on tropical medicine, was appointed. The Commission was constituted at Monrovia on April 7, 1930.