
The Mexican Ambassador (Téllez) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that as a result of negotiations which have been taking place between our offices (Cancillerías) I have received instructions to sign the convention concerning the extension of the duration of the Special Mexican American Claims [Commission] on the understanding that Your Excellency’s Government is disposed to continue discussing in a spirit of good will, once the extending convention has been concluded, the following points intended to perfect the organization and facilitate the operation of the said Commission:

To adopt, for the election of the Presiding Commissioner, the procedure which is established by the general treaty of intra-American Arbitration concluded in Washington on January 3 [5], 1929, on the understanding that in case the said procedure should prove abortive there will be a return to the procedure established by the said convention which is being extended.
To stipulate that the Commission shall not have authority to take note of matters of internal jurisdiction of both countries, in terms similar to those agreed upon in the Pan American Arbitration Convention signed in Washington.
Preparation of lists of outstanding claims (reclamaciones viables), tending to eliminate those with no legal basis which have been presented, in accordance with the system adopted in the Claims Convention between England and the United States.
Suppression of oral petitions before the Commission, tending to facilitate and expedite the labor of the Commission.
The desirability of giving instructions to the respective Agents in order that they may put themselves in accord before-hand with regard to the date on which the claims whose nature demands special study must be submitted to the Commission.
To declare the City of Mexico as a permanent place of residence of the Commission.

I avail myself [etc.]

Manuel C. Téllez