
The Mexican Ambassador (Téllez) to the Secretary of State

No. 3346

Mr. Secretary: By means of reports of a public character, my Government has learned that that of Your Excellency has negotiated the acquisition of a plot of ground located in the zone known by the name of “El Chamizal” in El Paso, Texas, for the purpose of constructing Federal public buildings thereon, which zone, as Your Excellency knows, was adjudged to Mexico by an arbitral decision in 1911.51

In view of this, on instructions which I have received to that effect, I wish in the name of my Government to declare to Your Excellency its dissent from that acquisition, and here to leave clearly on record that the Government of Mexico will not honor any change in the present status of the matter on account of the said acquisition and that, likewise, it reserves to itself every right belonging to its nationals, whether they be individuals or interests, as regards trespassing on the real property which is the subject of this note.

Please accept [etc.]

Manuel C. Téllez
  1. Award dated June 15, 1911, Foreign Relations, 1911, pp. 573 ff. See also ibid., 1925, vol. ii, pp. 554 ff.