711.42157Sa29/640: Telegram

The Minister in Canada (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

230. I presented to the Prime Minister this afternoon the substance of the Department’s 104 of October 25th regarding the St. Lawrence. He told me that he is most anxious to have the conference of Premiers during the second week in December and was telegraphing today to the Minister of Justice and to Dr. Skelton, who are both at London, to ascertain whether they will be back by that date. He does not wish to hold the conference without their presence. Speaking of the appointment of commissioners, he thought that from the Canadian viewpoint it might be better to have the International Joint Commission undertake the work rather than new commissioners, partly, I believe, for the reason that Mr. McGrath, Chairman of the Canadian section of the Commission, is intimately in touch with Premier Ferguson and would therefore be helpful in bringing the Province of Ontario into line. Mr. King asked whether this would be satisfactory to us. I said that I had no information on this point but thought that possibly in view of the technical details to be considered, both engineering and financial, the President might feel the need of appointing other commissioners having the technical knowledge.

The question as to the personnel of commissioners would seem to be something which could be taken up either at the time of the meeting of the Premiers or immediately thereafter.
