793.003/249: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Acting Secretary of State

26. Legation’s No. 7, January 2, 6 p.m. Japanese Chargé d’Affaires said to me today that it was not the intention of his Government to make a protest with regard to the Chinese Government’s mandate of December 28. In view of the Sino-Japanese exchange of notes of April 26–27 last47 which he referred to as a modus vivendi, the Japanese Government considers that China has agreed, pending treaty revision between the two countries, to make no attempt to exercise jurisdiction over Japanese nationals and that therefore it is unnecessary for Japan to take any action in the present circumstances. See Legation’s mail despatch No. 279 [2079], May 4, 1929.48

  1. For texts of notes signed at Nanking, see The China Yearbook, 1929–30, pp. 837–839.
  2. Not printed.