890g.01/234: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

7. Embassy’s 389, December 24, 11 a.m. Foreign Office stated yesterday that Henderson22 would be prepared to sign the treaty with me tomorrow at 4 p.m. and also indicated the following unessential substitutes and omissions in texts:

Substitute more correct phrase “the United Kingdom” for “Great Britain” in line 4 of note from Jafar Pasha to United States [Page 302] Plenipotentiary (Embassy’s telegram 338 of November 22, 11a.m.).
Corresponding change in my reply to Jafar Pasha (Department’s 317 of November 27, 1 p.m.).
Omit “Britannic,” as word superfluous, in line 7 of note from Foreign Secretary to the United States Plenipotentiary regarding annual report (annex C23 of enclosures to my despatch number 101 of July 26, 1929).
Corresponding omission in my acknowledgment to Foreign Secretary (annex C123 of above despatch).
Omit first two words “Anglo-Iraq” in heading to schedule 2 of convention so that corrected heading may read “Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of, etc.”
Omit enclosure to letter in schedule 4 (i. e., Anglo-Iraq Treaty of January 13, 192624) as it already appears as schedule 3.

I shall proceed with signing documents as amended above at that time unless instructed otherwise.

  1. Arthur Henderson, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Annex not printed.
  3. Annex not printed.
  4. Treaty between Great Britain and Iraq, signed at Baghdad, January 13, 1926; League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. xlvii, p. 419.