711.12151A/203: Telegram

The Chargé in Mexico (Johnson) to the Acting Secretary of State


62. Your 78, March 20, 5 p.m. The following is from Mr. Clark for Mr. Cotton:

“Captain McBride46 informs me, and his information corresponds with my impression, that Mr. Morrow’s disposition, when he left Mexico City, was to concentrate his efforts upon his return here after the termination of the London Naval Conference47 upon financial questions and an en bloc claims settlement.48 We do not know here if Mr. Morrow is still of the same mind. If he is, I suggest for your consideration the question whether it would be wise at the present tune to inject into the situation another negotiation, particularly in view of the probability that it cannot be completed before Mr. Morrow will under present plans relinquish his post as Ambassador in Mexico thus making it necessary for negotiations to be carried to completion by his successor with such inconvenience and delay, if any, as might result.

Moreover, I am apprehensive lest we get too many irons in the fire for the Ambassador. Yet, he may wish to get as much started as possible before he leaves. I must confess that I am in somewhat of a [Page 538] quandary. In view of all of this, might it not be well to frame point 3 of your 78, March 20, 5 p.m., to the effect that as soon as the two Governments have received and studied the final plans negotiations should be undertaken for the purpose you state. That will give opportunity to consult the Ambassador as to his views. I strongly believe that it would be unwise to undertake negotiations without the presence here of Lawrence M. Lawson, the American Commissioner, International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, for the following reasons: (1) Because he understands the river situations and the El Paso sentiment better than any one at the Embassy, and (2) because of his close and friendly relations with Mexican Boundary Commission officials.”

  1. Presumably Capt. Lewis B. McBride, Naval Attaché.
  2. See vol. i, pp. 1 ff.
  3. See pp. 495 ff.