823.00 Revolutions/9: Telegram

The Chargé in Peru (Mayer) to the Secretary of State

149. My telegram No. 148, August 25, 9 a.m. Admiral Pye has just been informed that President Leguia and entourage who went aboard the Almirante Grau for protection of himself and family by arrangement with the junta has raised the Presidential flag on the ship and is now anchored off San Lorenzo Island near Callao. He has radioed to the Naval College at La Punta stating that he is President and that his orders should be obeyed. Admiral Bielich, Minister of Marine in the junta, had requested Admiral Pye and the Mission to remain in charge of their duties. In view, however, of this new confused situation Admiral Pye has requested the junta to relieve the Mission temporarily of its executive duties.

The dean of the diplomatic corps has called a meeting for 12 o’clock today. Unless otherwise instructed I shall deal informally and de facto with whatever authority is actually in control in Lima if and when necessity arises.
