II. Negotiations to secure acceptance by France of the moratorium proposal

[91] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)

462.00R296/4272: Telegram

[92] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)

462.00R296/4272: Telegram

[93] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Secretary of State

462.00R296/4273: Telegram

[94] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Acting Secretary of State

462.00R296/4275: Telegram

[95] Memorandum of Trams-Atlantic Telephone Conversation


[96] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)

462.00R296/4273: Telegram

[97] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Acting Secretary of State

462.00R296/4276: Telegram

[98] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Acting Secretary of State

462.00R296/4284: Telegram

[99] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Acting Secretary of State

462.00R296/4285: Telegram

[100] The Ambassador in France (Edge) to the Acting Secretary of State


[101] Statement by President Hoover

Issued by the White House as a press release, July 6, 1931; reprinted from Department of State, Press Releases, July 11, 1931, p. 42.

[102] President von Hindenburg to President Hoover

462.00R296/4380: Telegram

[103] President Hoover to President von Hindenburg

462.00R296/4380: Telegram

  1. Telegram in ten sections.
  2. Telegram in three sections.
  3. Telegram in eight sections.
  4. Telegram in two sections.