793.94 Commission/305a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Wilson), at Geneva

101. With regard to the Manchuria situation—

I wish as far as possible to anticipate possible developments and prepare in advance to meet situations which may arise. It is my desire to continue to cooperate with the League, to avoid working at cross purposes, and to make sure that our joint but independently conducted efforts shall be directed most effectively toward success in attaining our common objective.

I desire that you talk with Drummond informally on this subject and find out what you can regarding his views and estimate of possibilities.

You should inquire expressly at what date Drummond thinks it likely that the report of the Manchuria Commission will reach the League. Ask whether it is expected that the report will be made public; whether that would be done immediately upon its receipt and whether there will be special distribution, that is, a wider distribution than is usual with League documents. In that connection, say that I am assuming that in its statement of facts the report will be thoroughly objective and comprehensive. Endeavor to ascertain whether that is Drummond’s impression.

Say that I would welcome an estimate by Drummond of the situation as he views it now and of the problem which he thinks will confront the powers when the report of the Commission becomes available; also, an indication of his views with regard to possible courses of action at that time. Ask, as though on your own initiative, what contribution he thinks might most helpfully be made by the American Government.

You should carefully choose your moment for holding this conversation and should make it your endeavor to cause Drummond to [Page 181] take the lead in that part of it which relates to possible ways and means of cooperation.
