893.01 Manchuria/503: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)

330. Your 1130, September 23, 3 p.m.

Your paragraph 1. Department considers it inadvisable for American consular officers to attempt to obtain such information, even informally, from the authorities of the new régime, unless in a particular case the information appears to be essential to a legitimate American interest.
Your paragraphs 2 and 3. Department, in view of the action already taken by the British Consul, would not object to the American Consul at Mukden complying with the request from Changchun in the same manner as did the British Consul.

Under existing situation, Department does not feel warranted in giving more definite general instructions and suggests that it be consulted in cases in which the advisability of communicating to officials of the new régime may be in doubt.
