793.94/5611: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

1253. Following from American Consul General, Harbin, November 15, noon:

  • [“]1. Japanese military authorities confirm reports that heavy Japanese reenforcements being moved from Dairen and other parts South Manchuria to western front where severe fighting has been discontinued for the time being, [probably due to heavy Japanese?] losses, need of reenforcements, and it is believed that General Su will soon come to terms.
  • 2. Reliably reported by pressmen that Soviet authority treating shortly Komatsubara’s delegation at Dauria where visitors found no Soviet aeroplanes and only a few score Soviet troops. So far no representative General Su has conferred with delegation.
  • 3. Some fighting occurred between insurgent and Japanese forces near Shuangchengpu, Ninguta, Mulin and Echo where it is believed Japanese suffered more heavily than Japanese military who [will?] admit [and?] fighting [resumed?].
  • 4. Reports from various reliable sources indicate construction work on the railway between Koshan and Hailun rapidly being completed.
  • 5. Press reports large body insurgents concentrating near Anta city.
  • 6. Situation at Harbin appears to be quieter on account of increased arrests bad characters by Russian members of the police. Soviet Consul [Page 347] General opposes increasing Russians on the force, [says?] that they would still more persecute Soviet citizens.”
