825.00 Revolutions/108: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State

99. My telegram number 98, June 17, 6 p.m.16 Definite composition of Junta is Dávila as President and Alberto Cabero, radical Senator, and Nolasco Cardenas, democratic deputy, as the other two members. Both are well-known public men. The new Cabinet is as follows: Interior, Juan Antonio Rios; Hacienda, Enrique Zañartu; Justice, Santiago Perez Peña; National Defense, General Arturo Puga; Education, Carlos Soto Rengifo; Agriculture, Arturo Riveros; Fomento, Victor Navarrete; Health, Alfonso Quijano; Labor, Ignacio Toro; Lands and Colonization, Virgilio Morales. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has not been appointed and may not be Barriga.

The Junta has declared the country under martial law until further orders. Six thousand carabineros are being concentrated in Santiago to insure order and to repress communist disturbances. The Junta is using the Army to insure regular railway service throughout the country.

  1. Not printed.