817.00 Woodward Electoral Mission/166a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister of Nicaragua (Hanna)

93. For Admiral Woodward. Debayle came in today with a telegram from President Moncada asking him to say to the Department that recent resolutions of the Electoral Board presided over by you provided for secrecy in the voting in the 1932 elections. Moncada called attention to Article 22 of the Constitution which provides that voting shall be “direct and public” and suggested the possibility that these resolutions might in the future be attacked, bringing into question the legality of the elections.

We told Debayle that, as he had been informed on previous occasions, the place to deal with the Nicaraguan elections is in Nicaragua and not in Washington. He was told that we have every confidence in your carrying out your responsibilities in an able and proper manner and we knew that you would of course not subscribe to any resolution which would run counter to the Constitution of Nicaragua. It was suggested that if President Moncada is concerned over this matter he should discuss it fully and frankly with you.

As we have no information regarding the resolutions in question it would be appreciated if you would cable a brief report in the matter.
