711.61/365a: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to All Diplomatic Missions Abroad

Following an exchange of communications between the President and the Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, covering outstanding questions in the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union and the arrival at an understanding with respect to methods of settling the question of debts and claims, the President communicated to Mr. Litvinov in a note dated November 16, 1933, the decision of the Government of the United States to establish diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.

In view of the recognition thus accorded by the Government of the United States to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, you should enter into cordial official and social relations with your Soviet colleague in accordance with the established practice of the post at which you are stationed.

Soviet passports should be treated henceforth as passports of other recognized Governments.

Inform Consuls.
