701.2123/19: Telegram

The Ambassador in Peru (Dearing) to the Secretary of State

92. Leticia.

My 91, February 19, midnight, paragraph 3, plane left 7:30 this morning all on board.
Monster patriotic demonstration scheduled for this afternoon is causing apprehension. All possible precautions have been taken. Government informed adequate protection necessary.
In speaking of assault on Colombian Legation Minister of Gobernación stated mob appeared to number 3000 or more and was uncontrollable, that any effort to control it would have caused a massacre and burning of the Legation while Lozano was inside.
Foreign Minister has circularized Foreign Ministers of friendly nations in extensive telegram justifying Peruvian action.
Colombian Consulate, Callão, assaulted last night but little damage done. Further report later.
Manzanilla called upon Lozano yesterday to apologize and is endeavoring reassure other foreign representatives. There are hints of his resignation and friction with Minister of Gobernación. President so far silent.
Nuncio calling meeting Diplomatic Corps for 11:30, 21st.