
The Chilean Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy in Chile64

No. 2221

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in reference to the final part of the Memorandum transmitted with the Note Verbale of the 3rd of [Page 183] April, has the honor to forward to the Embassy of the United States of America a copy of the resolution adopted unanimously by the Liquidating Commission of the Nitrate Corporation of Chile under date of the 7th instant.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes advantage of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the United States of America the assurance of its highest and most distinguished consideration.


Resolution Adopted by the Liquidating Commission of the Compañía de Salitre de Chile, April 7, 1933

In Santiago, on April 7, 1933, at 3:30 P.M., the Liquidating Commission of the Nitrate Corporation of Chile resolved itself in session, at which were present Mr. Jorge Matte Gormaz, appointed by the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Mr. Aureliano Burr, appointed by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Horace E. Graham, appointed at the Special Extraordinary Meeting held on February 10, 1933, the Manager Mr. Alejandro Echegoyen, the Advisors Messrs. Manuel Antonio Maira and Osvaldo de Castro, Mr. Joaquín Irarrázaval and the Secretary Mr. Florencio García.

The Meeting was presided by Mr. Jorge Matte Gormaz.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The following was discussed:

1)—Suspension of the Payment of $60.—per Ton.—

Report was made of letters from the offices in London and New York transmitting the protests made by the trustees of the bonds of the Nitrate Corporation of Chile against the suspension of the payment of the sixty pesos gold per ton assigned for the service of those bonds.

In this respect and after carefully considering the situation, the Liquidating Commission unanimously agreed to make the following declaration:

The instructions issued on March 17th last by the Minister of Hacienda to the Customhouse authorities not to continue intervening in the control of the payment of the sixty pesos gold per ton of nitrate shipped, provided for in Decree No. 2935 of April, 1931, do not affect the rights of the holders of bonds of the Nitrate Corporation of Chile to demand before the judicial authorities the fulfillment of their contraband the compliance with the forms of payment prescribed in the said contracts.

The Supreme Government has taken no resolution to suspend the payment of the sixty pesos gold. This suspension is due to a resolution of the Liquidating Commission of the Nitrate Corporation of Chile which, under the moratorium provided in Article 7 of Law No. 5133, has considered that, in view of the present condition of the industry [Page 184] and the financial situation of the liquidation, it cannot continue to service in gold this obligation which was contracted prior to the liquidation of the Corporation.

The said resolution of the Liquidating Commission has not changed in any manner the rights derived from existing contracts, nor has it modified the situation of the interested parties or of the Trustees of the Prior Secured and Secured bonds vis-à-vis the liquidation and the other creditors.

As this is the precise meaning of the resolutions of the Liquidating Commission, it considers it to be its duty to leave it on record and to acquaint all the interested parties therewith. The Liquidating Commission trusts that the creditors, understanding these purposes, will realize the necessity of beginning immediately the study of a plan of reconstruction of the nitrate industry and a readjustment of the finances of the Nitrate Corporation of Chile in Liquidation which, taking into consideration the present depressed condition of the market and its possible capacity, will permit, in the best possible manner, taking care of the fiscal situation and of the different debit obligations of the Corporation.

It was further resolved to send this declaration to the Company in London so that it might be communicated privately to the Trustees.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:55.

  • Jorge Matte
  • A. Echegoyen
  • A. Burr
  • H. R. Graham
  • Florencio García
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in Chile in his despatch No. 1428, April 15; received April 24.