251.11 Insull, Samuel/320: Telegram

The Minister in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

13. Your telegram No. 9, February 3, 1 p.m. The Greek Government has not officially altered its decision to require Insull to leave but is taking his complaint of illness seriously and has been giving him repeated medical examinations. The doctors appointed by the Minister of Interior examined the fugitive January 29 and reported immediately that he was able to travel. On January 31st, however, the Premier himself demanded that two medical professors of the University of Athens make another examination. These examined Insull on February 3rd and their report is still unsubmitted this morning but is unofficially said to be favorable to the fugitive’s claim that he is too ill to travel. If this is so, further delays and more examinations will probably keep the fugitive here beyond the expiration date of his passport.
