882.01 Foreign Control/874

The Belgian Ambassador (May) to the Secretary of State

No. 3025

Sir: I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that His Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, recognizing the special interest of the American Government in the Affairs of the Republic of Liberia, desires me to submit to you the circumstances outlined below and to request the benefit of your views on the subject.

Baron de Bogaerde, the representative of Liberia, at Paris, states that, although his Government has rejected the plan of reorganisation proposed by the League of Nations, it intends to undertake a program of its own without the supervision of any Foreign Power, and, for this purpose desires to obtain the services of foreign technicians to aid in matters pertaining to finance, hygiene and administrative policy.

In these circumstances, Baron de Bogaerde has approached Mr. Moëller, former Vice-Governor General of the Belgian Congo and has invited him to accept a mission, for a few months only, at the expense of the Liberian Government, to study conditions on the spot and to report on the possibilities of a plan of extensive reorganisation of the affairs of the Republic.

Mr. Moëller has not given any decision in the matter, and, in view of your Government’s interest in the Liberian situation, has requested that your opinion be obtained as to the advisability of accepting the proposition of the Liberian Government.

His Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs would also be specially interested to know whether the American Government, whose paramount interest in the question is recognised, has already formulated any plan of action in regard to the Liberian situation, and if so, he [Page 805] would appreciate such information as you may be kind enough to give for his guidance.

Your Excellency’s comment and advice on the foregoing subjects will be most highly appreciated.

I avail myself [etc.]

For the Belgian Ambassador and by order
The Attaché of the Embassy
G. Walravens