467.11/884: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Istanbul (Elting)

For Nielsen. Your despatch August 17. Department understands that examination of claims by committee has been completed and that the lists of the several categories have been prepared and are in the hands of the Turkish delegation, but that further discussions are being delayed to permit that delegation to make certain investigations regarding a small group, presumably naturalized citizens of Greek origin.

Department is pleased with the progress made in the preparation and discussion of these several categories but shares your feeling that too much time is being lost in arriving at discussion of definite figures for lump sum settlement.

Department wonders whether you may not be in a position to arrive in your own mind at a reasonable evaluation of the possibly good claims, and whether you consider that, as a means of bringing the discussions to a head, it might not be desirable to make a revised offer on the basis of the survey which has been made.

Department would be glad to have a telegraphic expression of your views and a statement of the amount which might be regarded as a reasonably fair settlement to be covered by payments over a period of say 5 years, if necessary.
