
Memorandum by the Counselor to the American Delegation to the Seventh International Conference of American States (Norweb) of a Conversation With the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs (Cruchaga)

Chile was prepared to give the League Commission a free hand, perhaps for another two months, in the hope that by allowing it to act as a spearhead sufficient advance might be made to justify the ABCP combination again to undertake direct peace negotiations, always however in cooperation with the Commission. The Commission’s efforts for mediation failing, a revival of united action by the ABCP group might be contemplated but only if prior agreement could be had among themselves to adopt a firm attitude towards the belligerents even to the extent of threatening to cut off supplies. Any efforts in this direction would depend almost entirely on the willingness of Argentina to cooperate. A similar attempt a year ago broke down because Argentina would not exert material pressure on Paraguay, as Chile had with Bolivia. Recent developments did not indicate that Argentine had changed its attitude. However, Argentine could be sounded out and if necessary other American States might be asked to make friendly representations to persuade Argentina to take a firm stand in the interests of peace.

R. H. Norweb