
The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Chargé (Accioly)

Sir: Reference is made to your Embassy’s memorandum of May 2, 1934,90 and to subsequent conversations between officers of the Embassy and of this Department relative to your Government’s request that an officer of the United States Army be designated to serve as a professor of Permanent Fortification Construction in the Course of Technical Construction of the Brazilian Army.

In reply, I am happy to inform you that the War Department has been pleased to approve this request and has submitted for the approval of your Government the name of Major Lehman W. Miller, Corps of Engineers. The Acting Secretary of War requests to be informed as to when your Government will desire to have the services of the officer designated for this position begin.

It is suggested that the recent agreement providing for the military mission to Brazil might be amended by an exchange of notes so as to provide for the services of such an officer.

Accept [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Sumner Welles
  1. Not printed.