Political unrest in Nicaragua; policy of the United States not to interfere in Nicaraguan internal affairs

[543] The Minister in Costa Rica (Sack) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8020: Telegram

[544] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Lane)

817.00/8020: Telegram

[545] The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State


[547] The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State


[548] The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8066: Telegram

[549] The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8070: Telegram

[550] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Lane)

817.00/8070: Telegram

[551] The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8071: Telegram

[552] The Minister in Nicaragua (Lane) to the Secretary of State

817.00/8072: Telegram