125.643/100: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Johnson)

145. The Department is giving consideration to the question of abolishing the consular office at Nanking, incorporating the Nanking consular district in the Shanghai consular district, and retaining at Nanking a branch office of the Legation at which one secretary would be assigned concurrently to Shanghai as a consular officer to perform certain consular duties in Nanking. Such arrangement would be substantially similar to that now obtaining at Peiping where an officer of the Legation staff is commissioned also as vice consul at Tientsin. [Page 517] As Atcheson is familiar with the Peiping-Tientsin arrangement, Department desires that you instruct him to investigate the practicability of such a move, giving particular attention to (1) whether undue hardships would thus be caused the American residents and firms in the Nanking consular district; (2) whether American interests could still be adequately protected; (3) whether the American Government would suffer loss of prestige in the eyes of the Chinese; and (4) whether any material saving in personnel and general expenses would result. Atcheson should also submit estimate of cost of sending consular records and archives to Shanghai.

Department suggests that you also ask Shanghai to report in regard to the practicability of such an arrangement.

Upon receipt by you of Nanking’s and Shanghai’s views, please report the substance thereof to the Department by naval radio together with your own comments and recommendations.
