611.006 Matches/86

Memorandum by Mr. Eugene H. Dooman of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs

Conversation: Mr. Toyoji Inouye, Commercial Secretary, Japanese Embassy;
Mr. Mikitara Miho, Japanese Match Export Association for the U. S. A.;
Mr. Dooman.

Mr. Inouye stated that he had accompanied Mr. Miho, Representative of the Japanese Match Export Association for the United States, in order to indicate that the Japanese Embassy in Washington had knowledge of the object of Mr. Miho’s call. Mr. Inouye said that the matter in which Mr. Miho is interested did not involve the Japanese Government, but that that Government is following with sympathetic attention the purposes which Mr. Miho is endeavoring to attain.

Mr. Miho stated that he had just come from London, where he had conferred with representatives of Swedish and Soviet match exporters to the United States; that an agreement had been reached among the three interests concerned to limit their exports of matches to the United States; that he understood that the Swedish and Soviet match interests had informed the American Government of the character and extent of the restrictions which each interest would voluntarily impose upon itself in regard to exports of matches to the United States; and that he had come to the Department for the purpose of informing the American Government what the Japanese match interests were also prepared to do.

With that remark, Mr. Miho handed me the attached letter.50 He asked me to read it, saying that if it contained anything objectionable he would welcome suggestions by way of modifying it. I read the letter and observed that I was not informed in regard to the match situation, but that I saw nothing objectionable in the letter.

Mr. Miho then requested that I bring the letter to the attention of the proper authorities, and I expressed willingness to do so.

  1. Not printed.