814.001 Ubico, Jorge/70

The Chargé in Guatemala (O’Donoghue) to the Secretary of State

No. 816

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 235, of November 4, 1935,43 transmitting an autographed letter from President Roosevelt addressed to President Ubico as well as a covering note43 from the Secretary of State to the Guatemalan Foreign Minister. In accordance with the Department’s instruction I personally delivered both documents to Dr. Skinner Klée the afternoon of November 9, the day of their receipt. The Foreign Minister indicated pleasure with the manner in which President Roosevelt’s letter was phrased and he immediately transmitted it to President Ubico.

As perhaps indicative of the importance which the Government here attributes to the President’s autographed letter, I am transmitting herewith the first page of the November 10 edition of El Liberal [Page 641] Progresista,44 the official organ of the Liberal Progresista Party, containing a photograph and translation of the document in question. Further, although the Saturday evening papers were on the street at 6:30 nevertheless they too carried translations of President Roosevelt’s letter although only three hours had elapsed since I delivered it to the Foreign Office.

As of possible interest I might add that President Roosevelt’s letter arrived at a most opportune moment on the first of the three days of festivities in celebration of President Ubico’s birthday.

Respectfully yours,

Sidney E. O’Donoghue
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not reprinted.