815.00 Revolutions/505: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Honduras (Keena)

22. The reason for your suggestion in the penultimate paragraph of your telegram No. 39, April 11, noon, that it might be advisable to have some naval vessel cruising in the vicinity of Honduras for the next two weeks or until definite news of the abandonment of an attempted landing from the pilot boat Stormalong, is somewhat obscure to the Department. If you had in mind the possibility that an attempted landing by the Stormalong might result in hostilities that would endanger American citizens, and that a United States vessel might afford protection to our citizens, this Government considers [Page 690] that the responsibility for the maintenance of order and the protection of foreigners rests squarely on the Government of Honduras. You will, therefore, not hold out to American citizens or to the Honduran authorities any expectation that the United States will endeavor to give general protection to American citizens in the event of disorder in Honduras.

In accord with the foregoing, no request is being made of the Navy Department to have a naval vessel remain in the vicinity of Honduras.
