
The Ambassador in Cuba (Wright) to the Secretary of State

No. 374

Sir: I have the honor to refer to despatch No. 260 of November 1, 1937,19 and previous correspondence concerning the communication addressed by the Cuban Government to the various American Governments proposing a joint mediation in the Spanish conflict, and to report that very little has appeared in the local press about this matter since it was first announced. Besides publishing the text of the American Government’s reply, the press up to now has only carried brief items concerning the replies of Bolivia, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua and Paraguay. The Embassy has noted, through receipt of a copy of the despatch in question, that the text of the Nicaraguan reply has been transmitted to the Department by the Legation at Managua.

The newspaper items regarding the replies of the other countries mentioned were, in summary, as follows:

Bolivia: The Bolivian Government replied that “unfortunately the war in Spain has developed to such an extent and has involved so many interests that any initiative, however generous it might be, runs the risk of not encountering circumstances conducive to its success, thus compromising to no useful purpose the principle of non-intervention [Page 467] in internal affairs which is so dear to the American tradition. Even though in the judgment of this Government the nations represented on the Committee of London are those best suited to attain that noble objective, I beg Your Excellency to inform your Government that the Government of Bolivia is disposed to support its initiative in accordance with an elevated concept of international solidarity, provided that the other Governments of the continent reach an agreement with respect to joint action.”

El Salvador: A press item on December 3 reported merely that the Cuban Undersecretary of State had announced the receipt of a cable from the Foreign Minister of El Salvador congratulating the Cuban Foreign Minister on his proposal.

Haiti: A brief press item on December 5 reported that the Haitian Government had replied favorably to the Cuban proposal and had suggested that Habana be chosen as the site for a conference of representatives of the American Governments to work out a formula.

Mexico: The press on November 7 carried the text of the Mexican reply, the pertinent portion of which was: “… the Government of Mexico considers that to submit invitations simultaneously to the Constitutional Government of Valencia and to the insurgent faction would be to compare improperly a legitimate government with which Mexico carries on relations and which is internationally recognized with those elements which are in rebellion against its authority. This being so, the Government of my country, while reiterating its sentiments of complete friendship for the Government of Cuba, regrets that it cannot participate in the suggested conference …”

Paraguay: On October 28 a news item from Asuncion published in the local press reported that the Paraguayan Foreign Office had made a negative reply to the Cuban communication, pointing out that the Paraguayan Government had always pursued a consistent policy of non-intervention in European affairs.

Respectfully yours,

For the Ambassador:
Willard L. Beaulac

First Secretary of Embassy
  1. Not printed.