852.2221 Dahl, Harold/16: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Seville (Bay)

Department’s telegram of July 24, 3 p.m.85 It is assumed that you have received copy of Graves’ telegraphic report to the Department and text of Dahl’s affidavit which he was instructed to furnish you. Graves has been informed that we do not desire him to attend the court martial. You should, however, arrange to be informed without delay of the date and outcome of the trial for the Department’s information.

In view of the statement of the assistant judge to Graves that Dahl will be tried for military rebellion and if convicted will be sentenced to death, you are authorized orally to inform General Queipo de Llano, for communication to General Franco, that it is our understanding that the internationally recognized laws of war do not sanction the execution of prisoners, and that we are reluctant to believe that he would approve such action. You may also inform the General, if you believe it would serve a useful purpose, that Dahl’s execution would undoubtedly cause a most unfavorable public reaction in the United States.

  1. Not printed.