352.1115/4002: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers), Then in France, to the Secretary of State

338. When Kane at Santander in July the Governor of Gijon refused permission for Americans to leave without his personal approval, which was refused without instructions from Valencia. On my instructions Thurston requested Government to send instructions and on July 31 he replied that instructions had been sent to all the authorities in Gijon.

Yesterday at Gijon the Acting Governor refused permission for evacuation of Americans in the absence of the Governor, then in Valencia, and later said the Governor from Valencia had instructed him that none of our people should go until he personally returned and gave permission. Chapman tried for 3 hours to persuade without effect and then returned to the Kane. Meanwhile, some Americans had gone to Gijon from this region on our request and probably stranded there. The vicious feature of this amazing story is that the Cubans were permitted to go and we brought out 146. When asked how these could leave without Governor’s presence and permission and ours could not there was no reply. The Brazilian Consul acting for Cuba told Chapman there were just two ways to get out [our] people out (1) to pay money to officials or (2) to land marine guard and bring them out. No doubt in my mind that Cubans paid for their evacuation. This action at Gijon in my opinion makes it necessary for us to make it a direct issue with Valencia for evacuation of [Page 541] our people. I suggest De los Rios92 be summoned and asked to explain.

Kane ready to return on Wednesday preferably, or Monday if required.

  1. Spanish Ambassador in the United States.