711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/226

The Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Koht) to the American Minister in Norway (Harriman)3

My Dear Mrs. Harriman: When on July 19, you read to me the statement of principles enunciated by Secretary Hull three days before, I declared immediately that I could find nothing in them that was not in the fullest accordance with the policies maintained by the Norwegian Government for many, many years. I know that you have reported to your Government what I said orally to you on that occasion, and it is a pleasure to me to confirm it in writing. In fact, I think that Secretary Hull has stated in an admirable way the principles of justice and peace that ought to govern international relations, and it would mean a great advance toward universal [Page 767] peace if he might be able to unite all the governments of the world, in particular those of the great powers, in an honest effort for carrying those principles into execution.

Very sincerely yours,

Halvdan Koht
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in her despatch No. 20, August 9; received August 21.
  2. Residence outside Oslo of the Norwegian Foreign Minister.