711.00 Statement July 16, 1937/185

The Chinese Ambassador (Wang) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: Acting under instructions of my Government, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Statement, issued by you on July 16, 1937, setting forth the position of the American Government in regard to international problems and situations.

In endorsing the principles enumerated in your Statement, the Minister for Foreign Affairs wishes me to say that China has always sought to settle international controversies by any of the pacific means known in international law and treaties, and her policy is therefore in [Page 782] full harmony with the views of the American Government as set forth in your Statement. As to the present issue with Japan, the position of my Government, as made clear in the Memorandum which I had the pleasure of presenting to you on July 16, 1937,25 remains the same.

I am [etc.]

Chengting T. Wang
  1. Dated July 15, 1937, Vol. iii, p. 190.