365D.1163/82: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy (Phillips)

102. Your 272, June 11, 11 a.m. The Department fully approves of your statement to Count Ciano.

Inasmuch as publicity was given to the assurances formerly given you that American missionaries would be permitted to remain in Ethiopia it will of course be necessary, in view of the general public interest in the matter, to make announcement of the changed situation. You may if you consider it desirable inform Count Ciano, who will [Page 709] doubtless appreciate that the reversal of Italian policy with respect to American missionaries cannot fail to leave an unfavorable impression upon many people in this country. In any case you should seek an early occasion to advise the Foreign Minister that your Government has noted his statements respecting compensation for mission property and that your Government will fully support its nationals in their claims for adequate compensation, including the necessary facilities to transfer payments.
