893.114 Narcotics/1972

The Consul General at Shanghai (Gauss) to the Ambassador in China (Johnson)46

No. 817

Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 811 of May 18, 1937, concerning opium suppression in the International Settlement and French Concession, and to page four of that despatch in which it was stated that the Consular Body at its meeting on May fourth decided to forward a copy of the Acting Mayor’s communication on this subject to the Shanghai Municipal Council requesting an expression of its views.

There is now enclosed for the information of the Embassy a copy of Senior Consul’s circular No. 76–M–II,47 quoting a letter dated May 19, 1937, from the Secretary General of the Shanghai Municipal Council to the Senior Consul on this subject. It will be noted the Secretary General states that on May seventeenth he discussed this matter with various officials of the Municipality of Greater Shanghai, including the Acting Mayor, and suggested that it would facilitate matters if they were to submit to the Council definite and concrete proposals as to the kind and extent of cooperation which they wish to secure. The Secretary General adds that the officials in question [Page 698] agreed to this suggestion and undertook to prepare and submit proposals which in due course will receive the consideration of the Council.

Respectfully yours,

C. E. Gauss
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Consul General at Shanghai in his despatch No. 788, May 24; received June 16.
  2. Not printed.