124.52/230: Telegram

The Chargé in Spain (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

911. Your 430 March 18, 6 p.m.30 In view of the dislocation of government and other contacts, and virtual paralyzation of consular services through lack of transportation facilities for public, that would result as well as the insuperable transportation problem that would be created for the personnel, I have been reluctant to leave Barcelona. I have felt that no unwarranted risk was run thereby whereas a degree of danger would attend the unavoidable and frequent journeys into and out of Barcelona through its industrial outskirts. Since the recent bombardments, Embassy and Consulate work has been carried on at our joint residence in Tibidabo, a reasonably safe quarter. I shall now, however, make arrangements to remove both official and residential quarters outside Barcelona.

  1. Not printed; it contained instructions to make arrangements to transfer the office and residential quarters of the Embassy and Consulate General staff to some place outside Barcelona (124.52/229b).