852.00/8407: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Bowers), Then in France, to the Secretary of State

519. I have just learned from most reliable quarters, identified in despatch going out today,90 that the rigid closing of frontier due to serious dissensions across the border, involving among other things [Page 237] a conflict between Franco and General Anido, Minister of Interior and hailed as “the strong man”. Franco plans to dismiss Anido and serious trouble feared. Defeatist note common in San Sebastian, not unheard even at Burgos, but suppressed at Saragossa and near the front. Even Marquis de Rialp91 unable to cross border Saturday to keep engagement with me. Most serious conflict apparently between Franco’s group and Falangists.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Representing Franco in arrangements with Ambassador Bowers for the exchange of prisoners. See pp. 285345 passim.