852.00/8636: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in Spain (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

1091. 1. Political. While the rumors provoked by Señor Besteiro’s1 visit to Barcelona continue to circulate Government officials assure me that they are without foundation and that no change in the Government or its war policy is contemplated. These assertions were made yesterday morning and it is possible that a reaction may follow the recrossing of the Ebro which may affect the political situation.

2. International. The Minister of State informed me yesterday that the Spanish Government has notified the British and French Governments that if the Spanish question is to be dealt with in the Anglo-French conversations next week it enters full reservations and will expect to be given the opportunity to present the view of the Spanish Government.

Señor del Vayo also stated that he understands that Hemming has been informed that [omission?] rebels will not relinquish their foreign [Page 255] technicians, aviators and artillerymen although they may send out additional contingents of foreign troops. [Omission?] the British have declined to assist the Spanish Government in hastening the evacuation of its foreign volunteers by providing transportation or at least naval escort to Barcelona for the volunteers still in Valencia area. In this connection he intimated that he feels that the British may not be unwilling for further delay in the evacuation of foreign volunteers from the government side to occur as such delay would place the government somewhat on a parity with the rebels in so far as the superficial appearance of the continued presence of foreign forces in their respective zones is concerned and thus obviated the embarrassment that would be caused by unilateral withdrawal.

  1. Juan Besteiro, a leader of the Socialist Party of Spain.