
The Secretary of State to Senator Morris Sheppard2

My Dear Senator Sheppard: I have received your letter of January 18, 1938,3 and appreciate your kindness in consulting with me regarding a proposal which has been made to you to introduce legislation for the purchase from Costa Rica of Cocos Island.

In as much as the Navy Department does not consider the island as of strategic value so long as it remains under the sovereignty of Costa Rica, this Department has consistently replied to suggestions for the purchase of the island that this Government has no interest in acquiring it. Therefore, the introduction of a bill for the purchase of the island would not appear necessary at this time; moreover, it might have unfavorable repercussions in other American republics.

For your strictly confidential information, while this Government is not interested in acquiring the island itself, any endeavor on the part of any foreign power to purchase or lease the island or to use it as a naval or military or air base under whatever terms would be a matter of immediate concern.

This reply has been submitted to the Acting Director of the Budget, who informs me that his office has no objection to its submission to you.

In accordance with your request, I am returning the enclosures to your letter of January 18, 1938.

Assuring you that I appreciate your courtesy in bringing this matter to my attention, I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee of the Senate.
  2. Not printed.