
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Moffat)

Mr. Hoyer Millar53 called this morning at our request to discuss the matter of the desire of Admiral Taylor and four non-commissioned [Page 695] officers now on the Vaclite to land in the United States en route to take up their duties with the Royal Navy in Halifax.

We informed Mr. Hoyer Millar that his request that we permit this landing and facilitate the passage of Admiral Taylor and his associates should it be found that they have no transport and transit visas, presented legal difficulties, and that we regretted very much that we could not see our way clear to comply with his request. We pointed out that this in effect involves the transit of belligerent troops through American territory en route to stations in other belligerent territory, and that the international law on the subject seemed to be clear.

Mr. Hoyer Millar said that he had been afraid that this request would present difficulties, and that they understood our position. He said that it was impossible for the British authorities to communicate with the Vaclite by radio and that they could not therefore divert the vessel to Halifax. He added, however, that the British authorities would endeavor to communicate with the vessel before it actually entered an American port, and if they could do so they would instruct the vessel to proceed at once to Halifax. He continued that if this were not possible and the vessel entered an American port they would give instructions that Admiral Taylor and his associates remain on board the vessel and proceed on the same vessel to Halifax as soon as possible after clearing from the American port of entry. He inquired whether this procedure was agreeable to us and we replied that it was.

P[iereepont] M[offat]
  1. First Secretary of the British Embassy.