860M.01 Memel/593

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of European, Affairs (Moffat)

The Lithuanian Minister50 came in to inform this Government that Lithuania had decided last night to cede back Memel to the German Reich. Lithuania had been confronted by an alternative, given by von Ribbentrop51 to the Foreign Minister of Lithuania in Berlin a day or two ago, either to make this cession or to risk invasion. In the circumstances, the government decided to make the cession and its decision was ratified by the Parliament in secret session.

I asked what form it took. In reply the Minister said that a short note announcing the decision was handed to the German Minister at Kaunas.52 Thus he explained at least Lithuania ceded Memel to the Reich and it was not Memel which had seceded from Lithuania. I asked the Minister whether press reports that Lithuania had obtained special rights in Memel or even a guarantee of territorial integrity from Hitler were true. He said he had no official knowledge on either point.

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From unofficial sources the Minister had learned that the transfer was effected this morning without incident and that Hitler had reached Memel at 11 a.m. Memel time.

I thanked the Minister for his courtesy in informing this Government without delay and said that I would report it at once to the Acting Secretary of State.

Pierrepont Moffat
  1. Povilas Zadeikis.
  2. Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  3. Erich Zechlin.