800.014 Antarctic/307: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)

244. Your 251, December 4, 6 p.m. Please inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that as arrangements for housing and victualing the members of the United States Antarctic Service who are to remain on the ice through the Southern winter have been calculated to such a fine point we greatly regret that it would not now be practicable to make the necessary adjustments for the inclusion of additional personnel in the ice parties.

We would be very glad, however, to arrange for two Argentine naval officers to join either the U. S. S. Bear or the U. S. M. S. North Star at Valparaiso about the middle of February for the voyage to East Base and return as guests of this Government.

This would give the officers an excellent opportunity to collaborate with the meteorological staff of the Service in working out details for the exchange of data by radio between East Base and the Argentine station at Laurie Island.

If this suggestion is agreeable to the Argentine Government please inform us of the names and rank of the naval officers selected.
