
The Consul at Berlin (Geist) to the Secretary of State

No. 941

Sir: With reference to the Embassy’s despatch No. 246 of July 16, 1938, transmitting a series of reports, one of which dealt with the Reich law of July 6, 1938, Excluding Jews From Certain Trades and From Access to Health Resorts,54 I have the honor to inform the Department that a decree dated May 8, 1939, has now been promulgated which excludes Jews from the travel agency business. Article 2 permits the Reich Minister of Economic Affairs to make exception to [Page 587] the prohibition in individual cases. For the purposes of this decree, the definition of a Jew is that laid down pursuant to the Nuremberg racial legislation of September 15, 1935, namely, a person who has three or more Jewish grandparents or belongs to the Jewish faith.

There are enclosed a copy and a translation of the decree which was promulgated in the Reichsgesetzblatt, Part I, No. 88, of May 11, 1939, and which is entitled “Second Decree for the Execution of the Law Relating to the Business of Travel Agencies.”55

Respectfully yours,

Raymond H. Geist
  1. Despatch not printed, but see political report, Foreign Relations, 1938, vol. ii, p. 386.
  2. Not printed.