890D.927/89: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Wilson)

22. Committee for the Excavation of Antioch, of which Morey of Princeton is chairman and in which the Musées Nationaux of Paris participates, have a contract for excavation work in the Hatay, signed with the High Commissioner in Beirut in 1937 and valid until 1942. The contract is said to provide for a division of archaeological finds. The local authorities in the Hatay are now reported to contemplate abrogation of the contract and enforcement of the Turkish antiquities law, which forbids any exportation of archaeological finds.

The Committee’s difficulties have been discussed by our Consul General in Beirut with the Acting High Commissioner, who appears to feel that notwithstanding his responsibility, his intervention with the Hatay authorities is unlikely to be effective at this time. He has agreed to instruct his delegate at Antioch, who will join the French Ambassador at Ankara within the next 10 days to discuss with the Turkish authorities all outstanding Hatay questions, to keep the Princeton expedition in mind during these discussions. He appears to feel, however, that this question may be considered of secondary importance at Ankara.

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Please discuss the matter with the appropriate French authorities, pointing out that the American Government assumes that the Hatay authorities will scrupulously honor their obligations under the terms of Article 14 of the Mandate and under the contract, and that the American Government of course looks to the French Government for the preservation of American rights and interests in the Hatay.

If the French Government is not in a position to give you the assurances desired, please submit your confidential recommendations regarding the advisability of our approaching the Turkish authorities at Ankara.
