751.67/261: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Bullitt)

401. Your No. 1031, May 30, 10 p.m.

Please inform the appropriate French authorities that the proposed cession of the Hatay to Turkey raises certain questions regarding the rights of the United States and its nationals under Article 4 of the Syrian Mandate and Articles 1 and 6 of the American-French Convention of April 4, 1924. (In this connection see Department’s instruction No. 1280 of August 18, 1932.14) While the American Government is not disposed to be obstructive, there are American rights and interests in the Hatay on which we should desire assurances, and [Page 842] we of course look to the French Government to make reservations to protect these rights and interests, in any agreement entered into between France and Turkey.
Definite assurances are desired that the present archaeological contracts entered into between two American groups and the French authorities in the Levant covering excavation and a division and exportation of finds in the Hatay will be continued to be honored by Turkey. Further assurances as to possibility of successive renewals of concessions, to permit completion of long range program, would also be highly desirable.
Although archaeological interests in the Hatay appear to be our most immediate concern, there may be other American rights with respect to which we may subsequently wish to obtain assurances. In the circumstances, in taking up this question with the French authorities please leave with them a written statement reserving in full all rights of this Government and its nationals under the terms of the Mandate and the French-American Convention as referred to in paragraph numbered 1 above.
Please repeat to Ankara and Beirut and furnish Ankara with a copy of the Department’s instruction of August 18, 1932.