
The Chargé in Ecuador (Gade) to the Secretary of State

No. 729

Sir: With reference to the Legation’s despatch No. 708 of October 13, 1939,53 enclosing Emergency Decree No. 247 of October 11, 1939, which reduced the advance deposit required for orders of imports, from 30 percent of the value thereof to 15 percent, I have the honor to transmit herewith the text of Emergency Decree No. 220 of September 11, 1939, published in the Official Register of September 22–23, 1939, and an English translation.53

This Decree totally exempts from the requirement to make a deposit, orders for the importation of implements and machinery for agriculture and industries established in the country, prime materials and other articles necessary to the operation of such industries, as well as foodstuffs indispensable to the centers of mining and agricultural exploitation which have contracts with the Government. The Decree also provides for the return of deposits made on orders of merchandise to be imported from Germany and other European countries that are not in a position to make shipment.

Respectfully yours,

Gerhard Gade
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.